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MakerSights Community


Dan Leahy

June 3, 2020

We stand united with those giving voice to the systemic inequities and injustices throughout our society. And we believe that companies and citizens alike can no longer justify only investing in mending the broken parts of our society when it’s convenient for them to do so.

Today, we are committing to listening more actively, engaging in our local communities more energetically, and supporting those on the front lines fighting for a more just society. 

To start:
  • We are making a direct donation to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and we will be matching 100% of our team’s donations to support causes of racial justice.
  • We will be volunteering in our local communities with specific areas of focus including criminal justice reform and addressing disparities in educational and economic opportunities.
  • We are reaffirming our commitment to creating a diverse workforce within our own company — not only to improve our business through a wider range of perspectives, but also to create more visible representation of historically underrepresented groups in both the retail and technology industries.

We know there is so much work to be done and that we have much to learn as we seek to be a force for positive change. We acknowledge that words are meaningless if not backed up with action, and we’re committed to taking an active role in fighting against inequity and injustice in our communities and beyond.

Dan Leahy
Co-founder and CEO, MakerSights

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