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MakerSights Community

2018: Year in Review

Seanette Ting

January 12, 2019

Even with the renewed excitement and new initiatives that come with a brand new year, it is readily apparent that this past year will not be easily forgotten. In equal parts fun & formative, see below for some of the highlights of 2018 across the organization.


This year, we collected millions of pieces of consumer feedback on products, and de-risked over $4B in inventory with that feedback. The bar for 2019 is set high!


We launched new capabilities to increase our ability support brand partners at each key stage in their product development and go-to-market processes, including early stage + design testing and product benchmarking.

Growth + Expansion

This year we've partnered with many of the fasting growing and most impactful brands across the retail industry, including 5 of the top 10 apparel + footwear brands in the US! We've also continued our international expansion this year, bringing in new partners across Europe and Asia.

Dream Team

Our team grew by over 35% this year! With two engagements and a wedding, we even got to celebrate a few bonus additions to the MakerSights family. We feel extremely lucky to wrap up 2018 with an incredible team, and excited to continue growing our head count in 2019.

New Headquarters

Change is good! Especially when it means a big update to the headquarters (and 3x more conference rooms!) Looking forward to getting big things accomplished here in the coming year.

Seanette Ting
Customer Success at MakerSights

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